Digestion & Gut Package (Includes test assessment & personalised plan)
Looking to understand your gut and digestive function, this comprehensive test looks at 62 microbial markers and 7 digestion/inflammatory markers implicated in your overall health.
Markers include good and bad bacteria, pathogenic yeasts, parasites, gut integrity, inflammation, digestive markers and also includes a Helicobacter pylori antigen test.
This test is helpful if you have the following symptoms:
Digestive Issues: bloating, gas, diarrhoea, constipation, food intolerances or sensitivities, stomach ulcers.
Gut-Related Conditions: IBS, IBD, SIB
Systemic Symptoms: Fatigue, Brain fog, joint pain, skin conditions (e.g., eczema, acne
Immune and Autoimmune Issues: Frequent infections, rheumatoid arthritis
Mental Health Concerns: Anxiety or depression (related to gut-brain axis dysfunction)
Your results will be reviewed and interpreted by one of our experts and you will be provided with an easy to understand summary and an actionable plan within 7-14 days of your results being released from the lab.
User-friendly home testing kit simplifies the process, requiring just 4 swabs from a single sample.
Additional Info
- Sample Type - Stool
- Turnaround 3 Weeks
- Lab Invivo Healthcare
- Beta defensin 2
- Calprotectin
- Pancreatic elastase 1
- Secretory IgA
- Zonulin
- Bile acids
- Occult blood (FIT)
- Commensal bacteria
- Bacteroides sub-group
- Opportunistic bacteria
- Sulfidogenic bacteria
- LPS releasing bacteria
- Mycology
- Parasitology
- Helicobacter pylori stool antigen
Sharing your symptoms & getting your results
When you book the test you will be sent a symptom questionnaire and a diet diary so we can look at your results in the context of your symptoms and medical history.
Once we receive your results back from the lab, we will review your results and the information you have shared with us and provide you with a personalised plan and video summary.
Your plan will be available approximately 7-14 days after we receive your results from the lab. A video recording will be emailed to you with your results based on the above timelines.