Dutch Test Cycle Mapping (plus complete) test, Interpretation & Plan
The DUTCH test is the most comprehensive way to measure levels of sex and stress hormones. It uses a combination of urine and saliva samples collected over a month to assess hormone levels, metabolites and organic acids to give a complete overview of hormonal health.
Select this Dutch Test if you have: Irregular cycles, no periods, mid-cycle spotting, Mirena coil/IUD (progesterone only, NOT on HRT or oestrogen), are not on birth control, perimenopausal, partial hysterectomy.
This test comes in two parts: monthly samples to help us map and understand your hormone fluctuations. Also includes components of the Dutch Complete test.
Suitable for conditions such as:
- Hormone conditions: PMS, PMDD, fibroids, PCOS, endometriosis, irregular menstrual cycle, no menstrual cycle, long or short cycles, infertility, acne, cycle-related weight issues.
- Adrenal function conditions: Long-term stress, low energy, sleep issues, low mood, low motivation.
The test measures:
- Cycle Mapping: characterise follicular, ovulatory and luteal phases
- Sex hormones: testosterone, oestrogen, progesterone and androgen metabolites.
- Oestrogen detoxification pathways
- Stress Hormones: cortisol, DHEA and their metabolites. Cortisol awakening response.
- Organic acids:
- B vitamins
- Dopamine and noradrenaline
- Melatonin
- Glutathione
- Gut dysbiosis markers
- Oxidative stress/DNA Damage
Package Includes: Dutch Test, results analysis and personalised plan. Your plan will include dietary and lifestyle support and supplement recommendations.
You will be emailed a 3-day diet diary and medical history questionnaire once you have purchased the test.
Turnaround time for your plan: approx 4 weeks after the test is received at the lab.
Test: Measurements are taken throughout the cycle with additional samples taken at the start of the next cycle.
Additional Info
Easier Collection: Collect urine samples throughout your cycle and the start of the next cycle.
You should receive your test kit within 2-4 working days of your order.
Your samples need to be sent guaranteed next day delivery or via courier – (not included in price)
Turnaround time for results & plan is approx 4-5 weeks.
Collection Information will be sent with the test kit.
Sharing your symptoms & getting your results
When you book the test you will be sent a symptom questionnaire and a diet diary so we can look at your results in the context of your symptoms and medical history.
Once we receive your results back from the lab, we will review your results and the information you have shared with us and provide you with a personalised plan and video summary.
Your plan will be available approximately 7-14 days after we receive your results from the lab. If you have opted for a video recording, this will be emailed to you with your results based on the above timelines.